SEAWORTHY Project by Floating Power Plant Receives EU Grant for Wave-Wind Offshore Platform with Hydrogen
Posted 18/07/2023 11:31
Floating Power Plant A/S, a Danish technology developer and integrator, announced that it has been selected by the European Commission to negotiate a significant grant for its SEAWORTHY project at the PLOCAN test site. SEAWORTHY stands for "Sustainable dispatchable Energy enabled by wAve-Wind OffshoRe plaTforms with onboard HYdrogen."
The SEAWORTHY project aims to harness the combined power of wave and wind resources to generate electricity while utilizing excess power to produce and store hydrogen. It will be executed off the coast of Las Palmas in the Canary Islands, Spain, at the PLOCAN test site, providing renewable energy from wind, wave, and hydrogen.
The European Commission's grant recognizes the potential and viability of Floating Power Plant's technology. Anders Køhler, CEO of Floating Power Plant A/S, expressed gratitude for the support and highlighted the role of SEAWORTHY in demonstrating the commercial feasibility and environmental benefits of integrating wave and wind energy with hydrogen production and storage.
Floating Power Plant specializes in developing offshore floating solutions for challenging areas such as off-grid platforms and remote islands. Their combination of technologies aims to deliver game-changing, dispatchable, reliable, and renewable energy. As the technology matures, Floating Power Plant envisions the ability to provide large-scale, cost-effective green hydrogen as an export product.
The SEAWORTHY project's goal is to advance Floating Power Plant's proprietary technology from Technology Readiness Level 6 (TRL6) to TRL8. This will be achieved through the construction, testing, and operation of a commercial-scale demonstration platform. The platform will include a 4.3 MW wind turbine, 0.8 MW wave energy converters, electrolysers with hydrogen storage, and a fuel cell. The EU grant will expedite the deployment of the technology, enabling Floating Power Plant to further validate its approach.
The project is expected to showcase the immense potential and readiness of Floating Power Plant's technology for broader adoption. By delivering green dispatchable power, the SEAWORTHY project has the potential to reshape renewable energy generation and utilization while supporting the European Union's commitment to clean and sustainable energy solutions. Floating Power Plant emphasizes the crucial role of innovative companies in driving the global energy transition.