Implenia and NorSea Collaborate on Floating Offshore Wind Plant in Norway
Posted 18/08/2023 14:23
Swiss-based construction firm Implenia and NorSea's WindWorks Jelsa have entered into a partnership to establish a production and assembly facility for large concrete or steel structures to support the floating offshore wind industry on Norway's west coast. Both companies will become equal minority shareholders (around 41% each) in WindWorks Jelsa.
The first phase, termed "pre-production," is set to run from 2023 to 2026 and requires limited financial investments. Implenia's investment will not be consolidated but rather equity accounted, aligning with the company's asset-light strategy. As part of the agreement, Implenia has committed to two small investment tranches in 2023 and 2024.
The partnership aims to tap into the potential of offshore wind energy, which has been identified as a significant future energy source and export product for Norway. The first offshore wind concessions are anticipated in December 2023.
The joint venture, WindWorks Jelsa, aims to become a key player in the growing floating offshore wind industry across Europe. Its goal is to build floating wind turbines on the west coast of Norway with a total annual output capacity of one gigawatt. This capacity could supply the electricity consumption of up to four million households.
The project in Jelsa aims to provide cost-efficient large concrete substructures for floating offshore wind parks. Implenia will leverage its expertise in site design, planning, strategy, and market approach to contribute to the venture's success. The project is expected to be developed in several phases between 2023 and 2032, leading to the establishment of a production and assembly area of 800,000 square meters, complete with warehouses, workshops, purpose-designed launching systems, and heavy load quays.